I recently heard a sermon about the Cross of Christ. Good outline. Good scriptures. Good points. Very intense and thought-provoking. But I found myself sitting there the whole time, waiting. Waiting. Waiting for something that never came. In the end, I couldn’t avoid the conclusion that it was lacking. Void of true power. To motivate. To impart change. To spark passion. To kindle love.
You see, the preacher mentioned the word “love” five times, at most. And that’s all it was - a mention. He quickly moved on. The message was full of strong statements about the sacrifice of Jesus and what He suffered for us and how we are responsible and obligated to live for Him in return.
I couldn’t help but feel saddened, and disappointed...and it got me thinking. I truly believe that if we don’t realize and understand the reason WHY Jesus became a curse for us, it doesn’t really change us that much. At least not with a lasting change. If we are only stirred to change our habits and actions and outward appearance, and not drawn into a heart-to-heart, a deep love relationship with Jesus, I believe that we are missing the point. I know from experience that merely learning about the Bible and understanding doctrine does not help in a real way. There is no comparison between that and a real encounter with God’s Spirit and His love, in which hearts become ALIVE and are deeply HEALED and EMPOWERED.
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
(John 15:13)
Getting a glimpse of His desire for us is what brings us into a committed lifestyle. It is the realization of His passion and holy jealousy for each one of us, individually. His love, deeply rooted in our hearts, and returned in a day-to-day heart-to-heart intimacy is what empowers us to know Him and glorify Him on this earth.
Your steadfast love has captured my heart,
Breaking through the years of my shame.
You’ve quickly become the Lover of my soul,
And I tell you it will always be the same.
For I have set my heart toward You, O Lord,
As I dwell in Your courts forevermore.
Others call my name, and beckon me to come.
Oh but I, I have eyes for only You.
I will always have eyes for only You.
(Eyes For Only You by Misty Edwards)
Soon I will be adding a post all about this Love, that has been on my heart for weeks now... I hope you come back to read that, it will sort of be Part 2 to this.