Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Always Winter, Never Christmas

In C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” the fawn Tumnus tells the daughter of Eve Lucy that Narnia has long been under a curse, where it is always winter and never Christmas. This, he explains, is the result of the evil White Which who is filled to overflowing with selfishness, hunger for power, hate and deceit.

Winter is a beautiful and magical time of the year. But we see it reflected in Lucy’s reaction to this dreadful news, that a never ending winter void of celebration and fun and gifts and joy --- is a depressing life. All of a sudden the only thing visible is the absence of Christmas. By making Christmas impossible, the White Witch was essentially distorting and destroying the beauty of winter. Her evil heart and intentions affected the entire kingdom, leaving each Narnian with a feeling of despair and loneliness.

The White Witch in this story represents Satan. As the enemy of our Maker and of our souls, he would have us believe that there is no warmth in the winter.

That there is no joy in suffering.
That there is no love in discipline.
That there is no honor in humility.
That there is no sweetness in submission.
That there is no restoration in repentance.
That there is no happiness in holiness.
That there is no satisfaction in righteousness.

Always winter, never Christmas.

Actually, he would prefer to have us live in a world where these illusions were real. Since that desire is impossible for him to fulfill, he is forced to settle for deceiving us into believing this is the case, and therefore making it the reality for our lives. However. This is not the truth. This is not the world that we live in.

Why? ASLAN returned to the scene. Yes, enter Jesus. He defeats death. Sin. The enemy. Every scheme and strategy that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. He removes everything that would hinder Love. He makes the crooked paths straight. He turns mourning into dancing. He makes beauty from ashes. He turns weeping into laughing. He makes all things new.

These are not mere words that I recite in an attempt sound poetic. These are not simply thoughts that sound good and so, I’m going with them. These are undeniable realities in my life and the lives of so many that I know (I will gladly elaborate with anyone who wants to hear). And it is based on this personal experience that I challenge you with this:

Refuse to live any longer in a world where it is always winter, never Christmas. Taste, and see, that the Lord is good. That His law is perfect and His ways are just. To believe and receive these truths is not automatic and is not easy. (Can you think of anything truly satisfying and lasting that is?)

No doubt, deception and darkness are all around. Things are not as they seem. I am becoming more and more convinced that everything, and I mean everything, is more complicated than I thought it was. But there are real answers to be found, for our bold questions. I encourage you to resist settling - in any form or fashion - for always winter, never Christmas.


  1. Beautiful Janell . . . simply beautiful!

  2. "Can you think of anything truly satisfying and lasting that is?" Apples in the setting of silver.

    Its ironic that you'd say you're getting closer to seeing life as "more complicated" when, after interacting with you, I've been refreshed by seeing life in its simplicity. :) haha.

    "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one." In his essence, what or who God is boils down to "one". Not "one and" (complicated). "One". Simple. God, with all his intricacies and the complexity of his realities, is simple. Amazing.
